So, when computational income tax, should have the computational basis that ought not to write down current organization expenses to also serve as income tax adjustment. 所以,在计算所得税时,应该把不该记入当期的开办费也作为所得税的计算依据进行调整。
It makes some important effects on farmer income, adjustment of industrial structure and transfer of surplus labor in the country. 对农民收入,农村产业结构调整以及剩余劳动力转移等都产生重要影响。
Henceforth, the directions of income and distribution adjustment should be: restriction of over-high income, especially in restriction of monopoly income and the fight against corruption; 今后调整收入分配关系的基本取向应是限制过高收入,重点是限制垄断收入、打击腐败等非法收入;
China personal income tax legal system's adjustment and perfection under present economy situation 当前经济形势下我国个人所得税法律制度的调整与完善
Differential of Resident's Income and Adjustment of Income Distribution Policy 居民收入差距与收入分配政策调整
To enhance the income adjustment, it is important to introduce the individual income tax. 个人所得税是加强收入调控的重要措施。
Probe into the Disparity of Income and the Adjustment of Taxation 收入分配差距与税收调节研究
Discussion on Fair Income Distribution and Intervention of Tax Adjustment 试论收入分配公平与税收调节的介入
The theme mainly researched the adjustment and control of residents income gap in our country, according to basis theory of tax adjustment for income distribution from the function of tax to income adjustment angel. 本论文依据税收调控收入分配的基本理论,在国内外主要研究成果的基础上,以税收对居民收入分配调控为视角,研究我国收入分配差距的调节与控制问题。
Perfect the policy of income adjustment; 完善收入调节政策;
In finance scope, regarding measures to solve the problem, they summarized measures such as, strengthening the shift payment dynamics, increasing the personal income tax adjustment dynamics, establishing perfect social security system and so on. 在财政学范围内,对于解决收入分配问题的措施,人们总结为加强转移支付力度、增加个人所得税的调节力度和建立健全社会保障体系等。
For increasing the sales income, the price adjustment itself must be proceed in certain dimension in terms of other conditions unchanged. 为达到销售收益增加的目的,在其他条件不变的情况下,价格调节本身必须在一定的范围内进行。
There exist some problems in the individual income tax, the article discusses three of them: the selection for the model of levy of Individual Income Tax, draw up the amount of individual income taxable, adjustment of tax rate. 个人所得税的运行中存在许多急待解决的问题,从个人所得税的征收模式、应税所得的确定和税率结构的调整三个方面进行探讨并指出改进方向。
In practice, such strong measures as speeding up the construction of production essentials market system, fostering the system of citizen property right, strengthen government's multiple personal income adjustment measures and so on, should be taken to standardize and perfect distribution on production essentials. 在实践中要采取有力的措施来规范按要素分配,即通过加快要素市场体系建设,培育居民产权主体,加强政府的多种收入调节手段等来逐步完善规范。
It has an important meaning to research the five characteristics and analyze, forecast and prospect the consume structure changes, which influence the future economy development in Henan province, from GDP, citizen income, industry structure adjustment, and so on. 对其进行研究,并从人均GDP、居民收入、产业结构调整等方面,分析、预测和展望消费结构变化对河南省未来经济发展的影响,具有重要的现实意义。
On the Disparity in Income Between Urban and Rural Residents Disparity of inhabitant in income and its adjustment 论城乡居民收入差距居民收入分配的差距及调节
It is an effective way to increase agricultural benefit and farmer's income through agricultural structure adjustment and cropping-livestock system based on animal husbandry in southern intensive agricultural regions. 进行农业产业结构调整,建立以畜牧业为突破口的农牧结合系统,是促进农民增收和农业增效的有效途径。
On the Theory of Individual Income Distribution by Tax Adjustment 税收调节个人收入分配的理论分析与现实思考
The domestic capital company's tax must conform to the overseas capital company, if we readjust the external tax system especially for the external income tax, then the adjustment will definitely injure the environment of investment in our country. 国民待遇原则就要求我国内资企业与外资企业税收的一致,如果我国对涉外税制特别是涉外所得税制进行调整,势必会损害我国投资环境的改善。
Based on such conclusion, setting urban resident as demonstration, the paper processes expenditure data on living consumption of some different groups divided by income, giving an empirical analysis on the effect of turnover tax on personal income distribution adjustment. 并在此基础上以城镇居民为目标群体,加工整理了我国各收入阶层城镇居民的消费支出数据,对我国流转税影响个人收入分配调节的作用进行了实证分析。
Actualization of micro income distribution is through the function of market mechanics, and it is based on the micro income distribution that we carry out the macro income adjustment, which is supported by three measurements: income tax, transfer payment, and income guarantee system. 微观的收入分配过程是通过市场机制的作用实现的,宏观收入调节是在微观收入分配的基础上进行的,所得税制度、转移性支付制度和收入保障制度构成宏观收入调节的三大支柱;
The paper analyses the two aspects and points out that the subjective factors includes the negative effect of the social reformation, the insufficiency of the social security, the unbalanced distribute of the income and the adjustment of the industrial structure; 指出:城市贫困人口外在客观性致贫因素有:社会经济体制改革的负面效应、社会保障制度的缺陷、收入分配不均、产业结构调整等;
Individual income tax is the most effective tax adjustment towards income distribution, and its essential lies in the degree of progressivity. The progressive degree of individual income tax affects the adjustment results of income distribution. 个人所得税是调节收入再分配的最直接税种,累进程度是其核心要义,个人所得税的累进程度影响着其调节收入分配的效果。
The local government can play a strong role in local economic development, resource allocation and income distribution adjustment. This role is called the intervention of the local government. The banking industry is facing the great historic change. 地方政府能够对地方经济发展、资源合理配置和收入分配调节起到很强的作用,这一作用我们称为地方政府干预。
Turnover tax not only offsets income tax adjustment, but also further expands the income gap. 流转税抵消了所得税的调节效果,也进一步扩大了收入差距。
Personal income tax is the important national adjustment of economic income economic levers, in the central government income contribution is obvious; But individual income tax in China is the most difficult, tax collection and management of the widest taxes, face it equally remarkable. 个人所得税是国家调整经济收入的重要经济杠杆,对中央政府收入的贡献尤为明显;但是个人所得税在我国又是征收管理难度最大、偷漏税面最宽的税种,这一点同样令人瞩目。
Among the determinants of unemployment, this thesis discussed the impacts of economic growth, urban-rural income gap and the industry structural adjustment on employment. 在对失业的影响因素分析中,本文探讨了经济增长、城乡收入差距大、产业结构调整这三者对就业的影响作用。
However, at present personal income tax in China only played its financial role, far from its function of income distribution adjustment. 但是,目前我国的个人所得税只是发挥了财政功能,其调节收入分配的功能还远未得到充分发挥。
In this paper, but the anomaly is not a simple income adjustment, the average calculated by the model, but through the creation of a market model, after the return of proceeds derived from abnormal, the results should be better identified. 但是本文的异常收益不是通过简单的平均调整模式计算出来,而是通过建立市场模型,进行回归以后得出的异常收益,因此,鉴定效果应该更好。
In a word, trade reform and income distribution adjustment are the same important to effectively reduce the negative impact of international trade on the wage gap. 只有将贸易改革和收入分配调整齐抓共管,才能有效降低和缓解国际贸易对中国工资差距的负面影响。